Glazyev on RNS: For defense companies lending rate may be zero

Published: April 15th, 2016

Behind them is the budget and the guaranteed expenses coveredge, MEF expert explained.

S. KOROLEV: Once a month on friday evening we will have new program "The Real Economy" with Sergei Glazyev. Good evening, Sergei Yurievich

S. GLAZYEV: Hello.

S. KOROLEV: Economist, RAS academician. Sergei Yurievich let us begin with the assessment of situation in general. At this particular moment, March 25, how do you assess the state of the Russian economy? Sorry for the general question.

S. GLAZYEV: I'd say that everyone assess the situation for himself on the basis of the position which he occupies in the existing system of industrial relations. This is due to the fact that manufacturing companies are forced to curtail production due to lack of credit resources. Approximately half of the working capital has been formed under the loans. When the central bank raised interest rates, all banks were gradually transferred to the economy of a tight money regime and the majority of the production sector enterprises had either to repay loans or to raise prices. It seems the possibility of one, and the other ends. To raise prices is difficult because the effect increased cost of imports is almost exhausted itself, and expand production is not possible, since there is no credit. We are in a stagflation trap, as the economists say, the combination of high inflation and the decline in production.

S. KOROLEV: Is this a dead end?

S. GLAZYEV: This is the result of the credit policy, which is held the last three years. Recently, my colleagues Nizhegorodtsev and Goritko got a very interesting scientific result - they mathematically proved and then confirmed this on dozens of empirical data on the different countries, that each economy has its own optimal level of monetization. It means that if the economy deviates from this optimum level, inflation rises. If the monetarists can see only one part of the picture, it seems that inflation is generated by an excess of money, so they look at money as a commodity. If the goods become cheaper, inflation rises. It means that it is necessary to reduce the offers of this product, then the price will go up, money will become more expensive, inflation will fall. But they misunderstand the meaning of inflation – it is the purchasing power of money. Whenever production falls and becomes fewer products, prices rise. It is a medical fact. My colleagues have shown that if the level of monetization is reduced below the optimum, the prices also increased. This is contrary to the logic which is guided by the central bank. Unfortunately, our colleagues in the Central Bank do not read contemporary scientific literature on the economy and carry out archaic policies based on primitive books that are still in the arsenal of methods of the International Monetary Fund. Impose these techniques to underdeveloped countries, and we are hostages of archaic notions about the nature of money. If we talk about the current understanding of the role and value of money, it is obvious that our economy is being undermonetized, - the amount of money today are less not only to all international comparisons, but less than it is necessary for the simple reproduction in approximately two times - in this the situation when the economy is undermonetized, in accordance with the scientifically proven fact that the presence of the optimal level of monetization, reduced the amount of money is automatically accompanied by a fall in investment and a drop in production. If the economy we had were overmonetized, all facilities have been downloaded, the money rolls over, then increase the money issue would lead to higher prices. In the situation when the economy is undermonetized, monetary contraction also leads to higher prices, because rising costs of enterprises, they are passed on to prices, reduced production volume, it causes a reduction in the supply of goods on the market, which also leads to an increase in prices. In this case, we see a policy that is contrary to scientific ideas on what policies should be built for the sake of economic growth, but it is beneficial to speculators. We have our own economic miracle - Moscow Stock Exchange has grown five-fold on volume of currency speculation, while production, revenues, foreign trade falls - the amount of currency speculation is growing.

S. KOROLEV: You are saying not for the first time that the Moscow stock exchange is flooded with speculators, in fact it is an institution of speculation.

S. GLAZYEV: This is not quite right. It is run by the speculators. They have the dominant place on the Stock Exchange.

S. KOROLEV: How do we change this situation? You do sound an alarm, but nobody listens?

S. GLAZYEV: In countries with a much larger volume of financial transactions than we have throughout the world, all the monetary authorities understand the negative role of speculators in a situation where they can manipulate the market. Manipulation of markets is a crime, even in our country, according to the law. The crime that is very severely punished, because it is a crime against the public interest. If speculators are allowed to manipulate the market, they will extract excess profits in the destabilization of the macroeconomic situation in the country, and that we have going on. There is nowhere in the world such fluctuations of the ruble, as we have. We have an enormous amount of reserves, the ruble is undervalued.

S. KOROLEV: And what to do with the ruble.

S. GLAZYEV: The terms of the measures that are used to combat market manipulation by speculators, is very wide. Gerashchenko was in a similar situation in 1998, when we, too, were faced with a surge in inflation, currency depreciation.

S. KOROLEV: Is it right to compare the crisis in 1998 and 2016 years?

S. GLAZYEV: It is Ok, because the situation is the same - sharp and uncontrolled devaluation of the currency, a surge in inflation and a drop in production. To protect the financial market against attempts to manipulate and stabilize the exchange rate, it was necessary to make to economic growth, Gerashchenko introduced a very simple principle - he has fixed the currency position of commercial banks. Commercial banks, without which speculation is impossible, because they provide loans for these purposes. If in this case make the banks not to increase the amount of currency during the day, they were at the end of the day to have the same amount of currency in the balance sheet, as it was in the beginning. Thus, the channel was blocked for the use of bank loans for speculation.

S. KOROLEV: Could they have less?

S. GLAZYEV: They could. As a result this main channel of credits for speculative operations against ruble was closed. Besides, there is a standard set of limitations such as the reduction of leverage, for example. If the speculator makes some kind of a deal, he should transfer the money in advance, and not some kind of down payment, which is then closed with a credit.

S. KOROLEV: It's all stock instruments and instruments of the Central Bank.

S. GLAZYEV: These are the standard instruments.

S. KOROLEV: And where are they used?

S. GLAZYEV: Everywhere.

S. KOROLEV: Except Russia?

S. GLAZYEV: Up to the stoped trading. This is also a simple mechanism. These are the methods that the controller can use, consulting no one - is its arsenal of work. And there are more sophisticated solutions that apply in a situation of sharp imbalance in the economy, for example, the introduction of temporary filters against currency speculators. If the currency has come into the country and sold, then take it further you can only after a certain time. Also, a preliminary declaration of withdrawal operations currency, and so on.

S. KOROLEV: And who are those speculators?

S. GLAZYEV: If we take the statistics, formally it turns out that our financial market is dominated by non-residents, foreign money. Most of the operations, approximately three-quarters of the Russian financial market are made in favor of non-residents.

S. KOROLEV: Who is it?

S. GLAZYEV: International banks.

S. KOROLEV: There market is closed for us because of the sanctions, while they can grow fat on our Stock Exchange? Is that so?

S. GLAZYEV: Including case. By the way, sanctions do not apply to short-term loans.

S. KOROLEV: Speculation is possible .

S. GLAZYEV: You can borrow abroad, take the cheap loans there for speculation on the market. Attempts made by our Central Bank raising interest rates to bring down a speculative course is very funny.

S. KOROLEV: You do not call the Russian market a Mecca for speculators for the first time. You say that you have the tools and stock, and the Central Bank in order to cope with this, you called speculators.

S. GLAZYEV: I have not named all, only said about the non-residents.

S. KOROLEV: Who else?

S. GLAZYEV: Не резиденты – это наши же некоторые офшорные олигархи, разумеется, работающие через офшоры. Самые главные игроки – хедж-фонды международные, которые наживаются на дестабилизации курса рубля, но всё это приносит прибыль и нашим участникам рынка. Московская биржа сегодня даёт своим акционерам гигантские прибыли. Раньше это была дочка ЦБ, и он мог контролировать все происходящие на бирже процессы. Несколько лет назад биржа была частично приватизирована, и хотя покупателями стали, в том числе, некоторые государственные банки, она стала инструментом, обслуживающим интересы спекулянтов, которым ЦБ управлять особо не желает.

Non-residents - it is some of our own offshore oligarchs, of course, working through offshore. The most important players - international hedge funds, who are cashing in on the destabilization of the ruble, but it is profitable and for our market participants. Moscow Exchange today gives its shareholders huge profits. Previously, it was the Central Bank's daughter, and it was able to control all the processes taking place on the stock exchange. Several years ago the market was partially privatized, and although steel buyers, including some state-owned banks, it has become a tool serving the interests of speculators, which the Central Bank does not want to manage specialy.

S. KOROLEV: Do not wish because that conducts an archaic policy?

S. GLAZYEV: It is hard to cal policy.

S. KOROLEV: I'm quoting You..

S. GLAZYEV: Archaic in the sense that it is guided by archaic ideas about the role of money in the economy and refers to money as an ordinary product, as taught by monetarists as the gold coins. While everywhere in the world it is understand as a loan tool. And the credit is an institution of financing economic growth. A modern economy can not grow without credit. The modern economic growth began with the industrial revolution at a time when the country learned to create credit and stole from money lenders the monopoly on trade with money as a commodity.

By the way if we talk about economic development, then Sean Peter called the percentage a tax on innovation. If we want to grow and develop, we need low interest rates and long-term money. But if we want for speculators to profit, the fit and high interest rates, because the rate of return on rate manipulation can reach 60-80%, and in this case, the speculator is not important interest rate, because he still would kill.

S. KOROLEV: From your words it turns out that the Moscow stock exchange is the root of evil in modern Russian economy.

S. GLAZYEV: Each instrument in economic system serves some cause. Currency exchange is needed for currency sales. In a normal economic system, it is a necessary tool for maintenance of foreign economic activity. You need an import, you buy a currency and carry any goods. If you are an exporter, you are selling the currency and pay its ruble costs. But our market is no longer served by normal trade. 99% of transactions on the stock exchange are made in a purely speculative purposes in the calculation at the destabilization of the course and make a profit on the market and macro-economic destabilization. Not by chance we are in due time wrote in the law that the main function of the Central Bank - is the stability of the currency. It is a recognized requirement for monetary authorities, because a stable currency is a necessary condition for the growth of investments, business planning and low inflation. When the currency fluctuates, the situation is not symmetric. When it falls, the price jump, more expensive imports automatically. And when the currency rises, prices fall to a very small degree.

S. KOROLEV: As for the ruble, there is a direct correlation with the oil, but not with the Moscow stock exchange, is not it?

S. GLAZYEV: Speculators always need to find some explanation so that manipulation looked like a natural process. Look on fluctuations of the national currencies of other oil-producing countries, they are much smaller.

S. KOROLEV: Maybe they have a more diversified economy ?

S. GLAZYEV: No, less diversified.

S. KOROLEV: For example?

S. GLAZYEV: Take the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf, where oil dependence far more than we do.

S. KOROLEV: It is speculation too.

S. GLAZYEV: African oil-producing countries. Why do we need a stable currency? To dampen external shocks in the economy.

S. KOROLEV: What does it mean?

S. GLAZYEV: Any car enthusiast understands that in order for machine to be controled normaly, the braking system is needed, which should have the brake fluid. It is necessary to smooth the fluctuations that occur in the course of driving. Damped - hence absorb external shocks, in this case, from the external trading environment on the ruble exchange rate. External blow strong - oil fell. Foreign exchange reserves are needed in order to keep a stable exchange rate, despite the external shocks.

S. KOROLEV: It has been suggested for the state to controll rates. The state sets the exchange rate itself, forget about the exchange - is that not an option?

S. GLAZYEV: There are objective factors that influence the exchange rate. Ideal would be to fix the exchange rate for a long period, but it has to be fixed on a level that will ensure the competitiveness of the economy.

S. KOROLEV: What level is that?

S. GLAZYEV: Competitiveness depends on the cost. It turns out that the higher costs in the economy, than it is less effective, technologically backward, the lower the exchange rate should stay compared with equilibrium. An undervalued currency - is a payment for technological backwardness. In our situation, the ruble, if you take it to the parity of purchasing power, understated in about three times.

S. KOROLEV: Now rubles trades for the dollar 68.20. If three times is underestimated, it should cost 23-25 rubles?

S. GLAZYEV: Such are the evaluation by OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, it is a statistic. A basket of goods is taken in Russia and the United States, and looked how many products you can buy at $ 100, we assume in America, and how much can be bought in Russia in the same basket. Accordingly, it turns out that the purchasing power of a dollar is equivalent to about 23-25 rubles. This data is cross-country comparisons, a well-established technique that is used for more than 50 years. And here one of these figures does not argue. There is a pattern: for the countries that are lagging behind technologically, less competitive, it is considered useful to keep the exchange rate of understated about 1.5-2 times, thus to subsidize exports and imports slightly overloaded, it becomes relatively more expensive in this case. The price for export subsidies is becoming more expensive imports and a decline in real purchasing power of wages. We subsidize the expense with cheap labor. Exporting our products cover so that technological backwardness. This is one factor that influences the course. Another factor is the balance of trade. The course is considered to be in equilibrium, when exports equal imports, but this balance is never achieved. Obviously if exports more than imports, the country's trade surplus, this is our case, exchange rate can not be considered overvalued, it is below the equilibrium. In terms of trade balance, we also undervalued in relation to the equilibrium level. According to two criteria it is already undervalued.

The third point - the supply of foreign exchange reserves, it is exactly the fight against speculators. It is twice more than the amount of rubles in the economy. The Central Bank has unlimited possibilities to stabilize the exchange rate at different levels.

S. KOROLEV: 23-25 - its real present value?

S. GLAZYEV: I would not call it to do at the level of 23-25. This must be done on the level of vibrations, which were in the past two years - from 60 to 80. If the central bank after the collapse in December 2014 had fixed the exchange rate at 80, we would be living today with such a course without speculators, economy would have adapted, competitiveness increased, credits would go to import substitution.

S. KOROLEV: It is still not too late to fix - 68.20?

S. GLAZYEV: I believe that any economist will tell you that the Central Bank should return to the market and allow the market to understand what he thinks is the ruble right and stay the course. Then the economy stabilizes, we will again be able to plan our future.

S. KOROLEV: You are talking about the return of the currency corridor ?

S. GLAZYEV: This may be the currency corridor. But in order to bring down the currency hype, which now takes place, I note that two things are growing in the economy now: the volume of transactions on the stock exchange and on the "Forex". It is better to fix the exchange rate for a long time.

S. KOROLEV: A lot of messages addressed to you through our main means of communication. "The offer from Gregory - let's fix at 50, it is easier to count - says our listener. - You forgot to count Productivity and cost. " There have been many reports related to the economy on this week. First You talked about the economic situation in general, why it is not very good. This is confirmed by the polls: the absolute majority of Russian citizens are saving on food, not on luxurious things.

S. GLAZYEV: It is a bad sign. This means that people's incomes have fallen below normal levels. This shows that stagflation spiral twists ever stronger. Falling income implies a drop in demand, a fall in demand - a decline in production, the decline in production entails increased costs, inflation heats, it further exacerbates the fall in revenue. This spiral is twisted tighter ever, and way out of it is clear too: we with my colleagues in the Academy of Sciences, in Stolypin club have quite a lot substantiate a program of measures for economic growth, it is quite simple and obvious. We have mentioned the experience of Primakovs, Maslyukovs and Gerashchenkos government - they did everything just the opposite to that advised by Monetary Fund and what is being done now. They did not let the ruble in free turbulence, but fixed it. They had not allowed to cross-border with the movement of capital, passing our foreign exchange market in the hands of international speculators, introduced selective exchange restrictions, with the most simple, fixing the currency position. They did not raise interest rates, although the IMF recommended to raise it up to 80, we kept it below the level of inflation in negative territory in real terms. All this allowed instantl economic recovery, the industry began to grow at the rate of 1% per month, inflation fell three times. It was all done in accordance with economic theory. Primakov was not by chance an academician and Masliukov headed Gosplan - people understood the ties and economic law. Our officials in government departments today do not understand how the economic laws work, do not understand the relationship between money and production, monetary policy and investment activity. They have not read even classical books. For example, Tobin, classic monetary theory. He proved that the main objective of the monetary authorities is increasing investment in the economy, investment activity level. For this they need to create the conditions. And the main way to increase investment activity is a credit expansion. For the credit expansion to go into production it is necessary to block the possibility of using cheap money to speculate, to inflate financial bubbles. It's some of the basics of economic theory, the practice, which today grossly violated. As you know, the economic policy is always a function of interest, the way people for demagogic purposes, to throw dust in the eyes, begin to reason: there is one school of economics, there is another. In fact, there is an economic science that needs to be done to ensure economic growth, and there is a pseudoscientific demagoguery in certain interests. In this case, in the interests of the financial oligarchy, because the expensive money are profitable to those who have a lot of them: first of all, it is the banks, in our situation, the state, even though it may seem strange. They like to have the luxury of money, no one asked how they spend it, who they give it to, and they have a huge economic power without responsibility.

S. KOROLEV: What should the key rate be?

S. GLAZYEV: Generally we do not have to focus on the key rate. There should be a rate system: for different purposes different rates. For the purposes of the mortgage rate should be 2-3%, for import substitution - no more than 3-4%, for the speculators, who work on the interbank market, but not manipulate them and make transactions on your own risk - may be the key, it is It will not affect the real economy. For lending to enterprises of the defense industry in general rate may be zero or 1%, because it stands on the budget and the cover of the expenses is guaranteed. Economic policy in this situation can not be easy - it is an objective to be difficult, because the economy is unbalanced. And in order to get it back on the path of economic growth, there is a need to use a huge range of complex instruments.

S. KOROLEV: Is the printing press necessary to use ?

S. GLAZYEV: This refers to credit management, credit emission. I assure you that there is no other way to finance the expansion of production at the moment. We turned out to be not the only one in this situation. For example, Europe after the war. Who financed the increased production in Europe? The population, which lost everything? Germany, for example? The Germans got 20 marks distributed. If the Germans were led by our monetarists, they would still lay in ruins, and were engaged in agriculture only. The German economic miracle, as the French post-war reconstruction, was achieved at the expense of credit issue secured notes of solvent enterprises. Banks gave loans to enterprises, taking as collateral bill, there was no property, just the bill - a promise to return the money. And the Central Bank gave refinancing loans extended to banks under this bill. But in order to avoid inflation, there is need to ensure that the money would not go for speculative purposes and used in accordance with the business plans, and the commercial banks had to provide controls. Central banks thus were monitoring the solvency of enterprises, whose bill was taken collateral. Or take the Japanese economic miracle after the war - credit emission through state development banks. Take the United States, finally, credit emission today is conducted on a gigantic scale in favor of the state budget. Almost all of the budget deficit, which is growing in America, by leaps and bounds, the national debt is the money emission. Count on the fact that our incomes suddenly rise times and people will be putting off the giant billions in banks, and then they will go to the development of the economy - it's a fairy tale, which today are told to justify inaction in the present circumstances and primitive economic policies that is beneficial to those who destabilize the economy.

S. KOROLEV: "I do not understand why you can not freeze the tariffs of natural monopolies for two years. Are they the country's sacred cow? After all, if they freeze, inflation may fall at least by third, then it is possible to reduce the key rate, and can begin the development of the economy ", - writes the listener. Is he right?

S. GLAZYEV: This is one of the elements of the economic growth program. We have already mentioned the experience of Primakov's government, they did so, to freeze tariffs, although the pressure on the government then was great. However, rates were frozen. Of course, this is a good thing, but it is necessary to correctly calculate what the tariffs should be.

S. KOROLEV: In Blitz mode please comment on some more news. Retirement age - talked a lot this week. Kudrin believes that there is an inevitable need to increase, the Ministry of Labour has expressed on this matter. What to do with the retirement age?

S. GLAZYEV: I would suggest to apply a flexible approach and to enable people to choose their retirement age, since at some point. There are people in Academy of Sciences who do not want to retire, they work up to 70-80 years, in sound mind and strong memory.

S. KOROLEV: And do not pay pensions to those who work ?

S. GLAZYEV: They accumulate. You can allow to unpack the funded part early, from 60 or 70 years. In different areas different periods of creative performance, there are many areas of activity, where people simply motivated to continue to work, if it gives a person pleasure, it benefits - why it is forced to send to a pension? But there is a job where nervous and physical potential of a person is exhausted very quickly. For example, work in the mines, or my father worked with the "hot" experience - these people are always given the right for early retirement. Or soldiers who have high risks and special requirements to the physical form. It must be a differentiated approach. We have the most important trouble - this is some primitivization entire control system in conjunction with its monstrous bureaucracy. This mixture of primitiveness and bureaucratization creates a paralysis of the entire management system.

S. KOROLEV: Cancel all, so there will be none?

S. GLAZYEV: Do not rush into extremes. Socio-economic sphere is very complex, there are working people with different interests. The state's task - to harmonize these interests. Not to impose someone with their own ideas of officials, and to harmonize the interests of a large array of instruments. In this task the state regulatory system in China, they get tremendous economic miracle. However, harmonization of interests implies mutual responsibility. Not to impose someone with their own ideas of officials, but to harmonize the interests of a large array of instruments. With this task the state regulatory system in China, they got tremendous economic miracle. However, harmonization of interests implies mutual responsibility.

If you want, we can dedicate the next program to a detailed discussion of the program of economic growth, which from the sciences point of view could be implemented in the country. In the public interest, not the interests of speculators and exporters of raw materials.

S. KOROLEV: Agreed.

S. GLAZYEV: As should be from the point of view of scientific advice on the basis of the objectives of promoting human welfare.

S. KOROLEV: There is a political force in Russia, which would you support in the Duma elections?
S. GLAZYEV: Open our fundamental law and see what are the authority of the State Duma. I worked there for 10 years and we have never been able even to submit to resignation some thieving minister. I do not think that can be accomplished within the parliament for some miraculous transformation in terms of improving the efficiency of our power. For power to be effective, it must be responsible, and to do that we need to strengthen the mechanisms of parliamentary control, if we want the Parliament to be the authority, accountability mechanisms executive legislation. At one time we tried to adopt a law on the responsibility of the executive branch of the level and quality of life. Naturally, the Duma majority did not want to take on responsibility, together with the Government, to report each year. There was a rule of the resignation of the government in the event of the fall of the quality of life without objective reasons.

S. KOROLEV: That is, there is no political force?

S. GLAZYEV: It is the president, the head of state. He has all levers, all the possibilities. Under our Constitution, he has the necessary governmental authority in order to generate socio-economic policies, external, internal. And there is the government, which has a huge amount of power.

S. KOROLEV: And what are they doing then?

S. GLAZYEV: Economical policy is a sum of interests and the interests of growth and rising people welfare are not always at the top.

S. KOROLEV: You are very diplomatic with your answers. Ok, there is Titov's party “Right deed” which will be renamed tomorrow into the “party of growth”. Does party of business stand a chance? I would like to ask separately about a progressive tax because Boris Titov supported its introduction in Russia. And did you?

S. GLAZYEV: Boris Titov I well know, is an example of a socially responsible approach to business. The program, which he puts forward, of Stolypin club, was developed with my participation, there many suggestions of our scientists are taken into account. The question the feasibility of this program, I can assure you that in a very small degree depends on the election results. Rather, it is a dialogue between business and government. Boris Titov demonstrates a responsible approach, he agrees, as a representative of the business, that the tax burden should be fair, and therefore progressive. So it is accepted worldwide.

S. KOROLEV: Not everywhere.

S. GLAZYEV: Note that progressive taxation for business interests can be offset by increased depreciation, accelerated depreciation. The meaning of the tax maneuver is to shift the tax burden on the rich, including reducing the tax burden on enterprises. Today, the main tax payer in the country is an enterprise, it turns out to be taxes on production. In countries that are focused on economic growth, taxes, primarily imposed on windfall for the purposes of consumption. This encourages to work more, invest more, it frees up the manufacturing sector from excessive taxes, but carries on the rich scope of consumer spending.

S. KOROLEV: In other words, you are into this?

S. GLAZYEV: It is the ABC of the modern economy.

S. KOROLEV: Let's take a few phone calls. Hello.

СЛУШАТЕЛЬ: Hello. I have worked in China, and they had three pillars: education, science and production. Tell me, will contribute to that, we will have our Alferov, Solomon?

S. GLAZYEV: These we do have, and they continue to work, despite the retirement age, very efficiently and productively. The program that I propose with my scientific colleagues, scientists from the Academy of Sciences - is a program focused on scientific and technological progress. The basis of modern economic growth lies in innovation, new technologies, which accounted for 90% of gross domestic product growth in the advanced countries. There is no other way today for economic development and creating conditions for the technological revolution and continuous innovation process. People are engaged in this innovative process, so the new technological order, which is now formed in the advanced countries, is based on human capital. The share of education, science, health and culture in the use of gross domestic product today is 40%, and in the period of maturity, 10-15 years of the new technological order, more than half of gross domestic product will be used for the reproduction of the human capital. Of course, it is the foundation of economic growth.

S. KOROLEV: Time is running out, let's agree next time to talk about your program.

S. GLAZYEV: It is not as simple as Mikhail Yuryev expounded .

S. KOROLEV: At the same time You will respond to Mikhail Yuriev.

S. GLAZYEV: It is based on the modern control theory of complex systems.

S. KOROLEV: See you, thank you for coming.


Source: RNS (РСН)
