The double profitability of the ruble is a myth

Published: November 8th, 2016

At the ruble is now really good prospects, but the Bloomberg forecast an increase in profitability of the Russian currency twice in the next year is it's too good to be true, said economist, scientific director of the Institute of Economics Academy of Sciences Ruslan Grinberg to Life.

— Growth of profitability is it is too beautiful to be true. The thing to know, because there are different factors that can suddenly make towards the depreciation of the ruble, but it has risks. At least, I do not believe in something that is so uniquely programmed to increase profitability of ruble assets in the next year. Now this is the case, a lot of money, but not all, - he said.

He also added that there is a likelihood of collapse of the ruble at the end of this year.

— It is impossible to predict, but, in principle, collapse is possible, because its growth comes in spite of inflation. There are risks, but do not undertake, whether it be at the end of the year. At the end of last year, in my opinion, it has reached 75. I think that is likely to be 68-70 at the end of December, is he explained.

A similar opinion was expressed by Economist, Director of the Institute of Strategic Analysis FBK Igor Nikolaev. According to him, Bloomberg is wrong because of serious grounds for optimistic forecasts do not have right now. Now the ruble will gradually weaken.

— I think Bloomberg makes a mistake, it is not for the first time. This is speculation. In my opinion, there are no reason for such optimistic conclusions. What we are now seeing for a week and a half - it just spread. The ruble began to weaken, high-yield period is over. The ruble will weaken before the end of the year. This year the situation is repeated almost the same as it was in the end of last year and at the end of the year the ruble has weakened sharply, - he said.

November 3, Bloomberg reported that Citigroup analysts called the ruble a superprofitable currency. They predicted that by the end of 2017 ruble assets may provide investors with yield of 15 percent. Investors who took the dollar close to a zero interest rate and invested in the purchase of ruble assets, received about 7% profit in just three months. This is the highest indicator among the 31 major world currency, said the agency.

