"How to grow national innovative corporations of the world level?"

Published: February 16th, 2017

In order not to drown in the vast subject of innovative-industrial development, which became triple important after the victory of the industrial-protectionist candidate D. Trump in the presidential election in the United States, let us take one particular aspect.

So, why does Russia not developing national companies engaged in the production of innovative, high-tech products quickly enough? Why are they unable to grow in the companies of the world level? Why does China, the state of such potential leaders, successfully seek and nurture them, but Russia does not?

Topics for discussion:

- Is a breakthrough in the innovative development of the Russian Federation without general industrialization and protectionism, without creating a large demand for leading-edge products primarily within the country, without available credit, and optimal tax regime possible?

- Why has the creation of numerous innovative "accelerators" in the form of ASI, RUSNANO, RVC, SKOLKOVO not led to accelerated growth of knowledge-intensive companies? What is it necessary to do to improve the situation?

- Why do the Chinese, like skillful gardeners and breeders, find a potential global market leaders in their own country and cultivate them, and there is no such practice in Russia. Do we need to create a similar system in the Russian Federation?

- What structures for lively "science-industry" link do we really need to create in the country?

- Which state mega-projects (instead of a lossmaking-sport, demonstratively-pompous) are needed to be ran in Russia? The Soviet Union and the United States managed to start Nuclear and Space projects at the time, which gave the maximum "related" technologies, literally weaved the modern world and gave the rise to the powerful civil corporations (IT, Telecom, satellite, mobile communication, production of materials with revolutionary properties). Do we need such set of mega-projects today, will it help in growing national corporations of the world level?

Invited to the section:

Igor Tabachuk, the head of the company "2T Engineering" (development of multipurpose drones, system for the "radar" control of the jet engines operation).

Sergey Serebryakov, the Director of St. Petersburg tractor plant, where in the creation of a new agro - and road-construction machines innovative designes of the own development are applied

Alexei Chaly, a developer of smart electrical grid.

Dmitry Saprykin, the Director of the company "Lasers and apparatus" (optomechatronics processing centers).

Vladimir Pirozhkov, the founder of the Center for large-scale prototyping at MISIS, a designer.

Dmitry Polovinkin, the founder of the company "Biotsevtika" (bioactive subcritical C02-extracts useful plants and herbs, the creation of functional food and beverages of the future).

Yuri Krupnov, the director of the Institute of demography and international development.

Georgy Malinetskii, the professor of the Institute of applied mathematics.

Dmitry Itskov, the founder of the public project "Russia-2045".
